Lively Kernel Tutorial: (17) Miscellaneous UI Features
In addition to the features discussed in the earlier sections of this
tutorial, there are a number of additional features that have not been
mentioned yet. Such features include:
turn fisheye on/off: For every object in the system you can
enable a fisheye feature that will automatically enlarge and shrink
the object based on the proximity of the mouse cursor. Apart from changing
the size of the object, this feature has no other particular purpose.
reset rotation/scaling: These menu operations allow the rotation
and scaling factors to be easily reset back to their original values.
put me in a window/tab/in the open open: These experimental
features allow you to easily place any object inside a window, or remove
the window from around the contents of the window.
use debug background: This world menu operation makes the
background of the world transparent, allowing you to see the debug
console of the web browser. (Note: To enable the debug console, you
may have to tweak your browser settings or enable the debug console
explicitly from the HTML file that starts to the system.)
In addition to the features discussed above, there are many
other features that are still experimental at this point.
Try it yourself! Try applying the operations mentioned above
to the objects below.