Lively Kernel Tutorial: (10) Applications and Widgets
In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the Lively Kernel,
we have written or ported a number of applications and widgets to run
on the system.
All these applications and widgets have been written entirely in JavaScript.
Below we show a few examples of applications and widgets.
Try it yourself! Try playing the Asteroids game. Click on the title
bar to bring the window forward, and then click on the background of the
game window to set it to receive keyboard events.
Keyboard controls for the game are as follows:
S: starts the game
P: pauses the game
H: Hyperspace jump
Arrow keys: steer, accelerate and decelerate the ship
Note that all the elements of the clock are full-fledged objects.
For instance, you can manipulate the Roman numerals or the hands
of the clock using the handle operations discussed earlier in this tutorial.