Every object in the Lively Kernel can be inspected using an object inspector.
An object inspector displays the attributes (JavaScript variables/fields)
of the object in a panel view.
You can open an inspector for every object in the system by choosing
the "inspect" operation from the popup menu of the object.
The upper left panel of the inspector shows the attribute names.
When you select one of the attributes, the upper right panel shows
the current value of that attribute. You can edit the value of an attribute
by editing the contents of the text displayed in the upper right panel.
To accept changes that you have made, choose the "accept changes"
menu item from the popup menu of the upper right panel.
The lower panel is the evaluator panel. When you type JavaScript
code in that panel, you can use the "evaluate as JavaScript code"
menu item of the evaluator panel to execute that code in the context
of the inspected object.
When editing attribute values and code, you can use the same
keyboard shortcuts as in the class browser (and in editing TextMorphs
in general).
Try it yourself! Try opening an inspector for the rectangle object
that is shown in the display. View the various attributes of the rectangle
object using the inspector.
Try modifying some of the attributes. For instance, the "fishEye" attribute
is a good candidate. Remember to accept your changes using the "accept changes"
menu item of the upper right panel.
Additionally, try the evaluator panel by typing the following text
in the evaluator panel:
this.startStepping(100, "rotateBy", 0.1);
Use the "evaluate as JavaScript code" menu operation of the
lower panel (open the popup menu by Alt-clicking the text
that you just typed) to execute the code.