Object Spaces for Safe Image Surgery
Gwenaël Casaccio1
Damien Pollet1
Marcus Denker2
Stéphane Ducasse1
1 RMoD, INRIA Lille Nord Europe
Lille, France
2PLEIAD Laboratory,
DCC University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
Long-lived systems rely on reflective self-modification to evolve.
Unfortunately, since such a system is at both ends of a causal loop,
this means modifications that impact the reflective layer itself can
be overly difficult to apply.
This paper introduces ObjectSpaces, a reification of the familiar
Smalltalk image as a first-class entity. By confining the system
inside an ObjectSpace, we isolate the evolution tools from it, while
still giving them reflective access to the confined system. We de-
scribe the ObjectSpaces idea, the interface to communicate, inspect,
and debug objects contained inside and ObjectSpace, based on a
prototype implementation in GNU Smalltalk.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.3.2 [Programming languages]: Smalltalk; D.2.3 [Software En-
gineering]: Coding Tools and Techniques
General Terms
Reflective Systems, Meta Programming, Dynamic Languages, Smalltalk
Smalltalk images exemplify everlasting, evolving software sys-
tems. An image is a persistent memory snapshot of a Smalltalk
system, complete with all objects that take part in the system’s exe-
cution. In fact, today’s Squeak images inherit objects that date back
to the original Smalltalk-80 system.
Images are interesting because they support an unusual approach
of program evolution. Since the whole system resides in the image,
including tools like the compiler and debugger, a Smalltalk program
is a self-modifying persistent environment, more closely resembling
the operating system installed on a physical workstation than a
single executable file or process. Also, the image is persistent, so
programs do not need to boot and initialize themselves from scratch
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IWST’09 August 31, 2009, Brest, France.
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-899-5 ...$10.00.
Figure 1: From self-modifying images to separate surgeon/pa-
tient images. The development tools in the surgeon image can
change core classes and methods in the patient image without
being impacted themselves.
each time they are invoked; instead, programs can just live here and
answer requests, keeping and migrating their state across evolutions
of the code and data structures.
However, the self-modifying image is both a blessing and a curse.
While it enables to save the image in the middle of a debugging
session, and re-open it on another physical machine to find the
debugger and halted program in the same bit-identical state, it also
makes it very easy to inadvertently break code on which critical
systems like the compiler or debugger depend. Moreover, it is not
à priori obvious which code is safe to change; an example of such
sensitive code is the pervasively used iterator method Array>>#do:
To make a real-life analogy, while it is easy to self-treat small
wounds, it’s more difficult for a neuro-surgeon to operate on himself.
What we want is to clearly separate code that acts as the surgeon
from code that acts as the patient in separate images1, as shown in
Figure 1.
In this paper, we introduce ObjectSpaces, a reification of the im-
age as an abstraction for delimiting and isolating a group of objects
—the patient— while giving full visibility of its contents to another
system —the surgeon. Additionally to any domain objects, an Ob-
jectSpace also contains a copy of the necessary system methods,
classes, and globals, so it is in effect a self-contained Smalltalk
system. To the surgeon, an ObjectSpace appears as a meta-object
with facilities for inspecting and changing objects of the patient
system. However, that meta-object ensures that no reference from
the surgeon enters the patient, thus preventing the patient from caus-
ing any side-effect on the surgeon. Development tools running in
the surgeon can thus control the patient, modify its objects, change
sensitive methods, or bootstrap core class structures without risk of
1. . . and, to perform self -surgery, resort to clones and memory back-
ups like in John Varley’s novel The Ophiuchi Hotline [13].
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the problem. We describe why Smalltalk images are very
sensitive to changes. Section 3 presents our approach. In Section 4,
we illustrate how ObjectSpaces work from the user standpoint, then
we describe the prototype implementation in Section 5. Finally,
we present related work in Section 6, before discussing some open
questions and concluding in Section 7.
Some methods or classes in a Smalltalk image are very sensitive
to changes, either because they are used pervasively throughout the
system, or take part in important subsystems like the user interface,
the compiler, the debugger, the metaclass hierarchy, or classes that
are well-known to the virtual machine. This is because Smalltalk
has a single scope where not only everything is visible, but also
reflectively accessible. Any breakage in this kind of code usually
leads to spectacular failure. A simple example would be adding a
breakpoint in the iterator method Array>>do:. In Pharo Smalltalk,
adding this breakpoint impacts about 90000 Array instances and
the image freezes [5]. It is thus very difficult to debug or change
this code in a realistic setting, without risking to impact the whole
But the fact is, some evolutions do require changes to this sensitive
code. If temporary breakage is necessary, then the maintainers must
find a way to apply the changes with reduced tools and extra care.
Alternatively, some images are destined to run under restricted
conditions that make it impractical to include a complete set of
development tools, or simply to access them: for instance, images
running on remote servers do not have an active graphical interface2.
This makes development, testing, and maintenance impractical or
even impossible.
Current solutions or workarounds are to work on a renamed copy
of the classes, or to remotely control a separate image via remote
objects. However, in the first case we only delay the problem,
because the complete impact of changes cannot be assessed until
the copied and modified classes are merged back into the system. In
the latter case, if a change causes the remote image to crash, then it
will be impossible to assess the problem.
ObjectSpaces to the rescue.
We need a way to control the impact of changes, by making
sure the surgeon and patient are different persons, i.e., by clearly
separating and isolating the development environment from the
domain code, while still giving the surgeon complete reflective
access to the patient system.
An ObjectSpace is a reification of a Smalltalk image. An Ob-
jectSpace encloses a self-contained, isolated subsystem of a larger
Smalltalk environment: objects can run and communicate inside
the ObjectSpace as if they were running in a normal environment,
but they cannot reference or interact with objects outside the space.
However, the ObjectSpace and its contents can be interacted with
from the enclosing environment: the owner of an ObjectSpace can
refer to objects inside it, as well as inject new objects or messages
into it.
2Remote display solutions like VNC do exist, but suffer from us-
ability and portability problems.
ObjectSpaces can be loaded from and written to the image format
on disk. We can also create an ObjectSpace ex-nihilo, then recre-
ate a working Smalltalk environment inside it by copying classes,
instances, or a full namespace from the surgeon Smalltalk environ-
ment. Processes run inside an ObjectSpace just like in a full-fledged
Once an ObjectSpace is created, tools in the surgeon environment
can control it and interact with it to:
• inspect existing objects, via mirrors [1],
• inject new objects into the patient ObjectSpace,
• inject messages to be received by patient objects, and possibly
debug their execution,
• handle exceptions raised but unhandled by patient code,
• save the ObjectSpace to an image file, to re-load it later either
as an ObjectSpace or as a standard image,
Implementing Self-Surgery.
Changing core classes of the system is akin to a bootstrap process,
meaning that the changes could require the image to go through a
non-working state, and thus that the usual Smalltalk tools cannot ap-
ply directly —the VM can only load working images. The only way
to do that is to generate an image from scratch, with the changes ap-
plied, but this implies that the control is external to the bootstrapped
image. In practice, not all implementations of Smalltalk are able
to bootstrap an image from bare sources. Moreover, generating an
image from scratch means dealing with the details of the memory
representation of objects, and ensuring that the generated image is
ObjectSpaces are a means to access the contents of an image
without running it, at the relatively high abstraction level of reflective
access to objects, but also by relying on code inside the ObjectSpace
when possible. To implement self-surgery using ObjectSpaces, the
original image clones itself to an ObjectSpace —or saves a copy
of itself to disk and loads that image file into an ObjectSpace— as
shown in Figure 2. It can then assume the role of the surgeon and
apply any necessary changes to its inactive patient copy. During the
operation, application domain services can be paused, so that their
state is migrated according to the changes in the patient. When the
changes are applied, the patient can be awaken by loading it into a
new VM, taking the place of the surgeon —i.e., taking ownership
of any open files, sockets, etc. needed by application domain code.
To application code, the operation appears as transparent as saving
then re-loading the image, and it resumes work in the same logical
state as before the operation. Of course, in a production setting,
the surgeon should assess that migrating services to the patient is
actually safe, e.g., by running tests. To the surgeon, the only state
created after the application services pause should only pertain to
applying the changes and migrating data; the surgeon image can
terminate itself safely, since it’s now redundant with the patient.
In this section, we illustrate how to sandbox arbitrary code execu-
tion using our ObjectSpace prototype. Consider a simple web site
that allows its users to discover the Smalltalk language by browsing
the system and evaluating arbitrary expressions. Even ignoring secu-
rity considerations like access to the server filesystem, user-provided
3Ideally, the surgeon controls the patient’s process scheduler, but
this is not implemented yet in our prototype.
clone, as
a space
via the
tests & wakens
Figure 2: Self-surgery via a clone: 1) the image clones itself into an ObjectSpace; 2) original and clone assume the roles of surgeon
and patient; the surgeon modifies core objects in the patient, through the ObjectSpace meta-object; 3) once the patient reaches the
desired state, the surgeon activates it, then terminates; except for the changes, the patient awakes in the same state as before the
expressions should be expected to break the environment they are
evaluated in, so users should be sandboxed from each other and
from the web framework. To do that, we create an ObjectSpace for
each user to evaluate his expressions. The ObjectSpace acts as the
user’s own disposable environment, but in contrast to spawning a
complete image on a separate VM, the web framework can easily
inspect the expression effects within its environment.
The first step is to create a new ObjectSpace for each of our users,
Alice and Bob:
spaces at: #alice put: (ObjectSpace with: Smalltalk).
spaces at: #bob put: (ObjectSpace with: Smalltalk).
Here, ObjectSpace with: Smalltalk recreates a self-contained en-
vironment inside a new ObjectSpace, based on the Smalltalk names-
When the user enters an expression on the web page, the frame-
work injects it inside the ObjectSpace for evaluation:
(space at: #bob) eval: 'Array compile: ''do: [ self halt ]'' '.
The eval: message compiles the string within the ObjectSpace’s
environment and executes the resulting code. Since the ObjectSpace
environment runs in complete isolation, this modifies Bob’s own
copy of the class Array, and only the instances in Bob’s ObjectSpace
will be affected by this change. Alice is not impacted because the
Array class inside her ObjectSpace is an independant copy that is
not even known inside Bob’s ObjectSpace; in fact, at this point, only
Bob’s code is broken.
Since Bob’s ObjectSpace is sleeping —the code was changed,
but not run yet— we can tell it to evaluate a block that exercises the
new behavior of Array>>do::
| exc |
(space at: #bob)
do: [#(1 2 3) do: [:i | Transcript show: i]]
onException: [:e | exc := e ]
The message do:onException: injects the given block into the Ob-
jectSpace then evaluates it, returning a mirror to its value or catching
any exception it raises. Injecting a block is just another way of in-
teracting with code in an ObjectSpace. However, whereas a string
is a inert data and is simply copied, a block contains references to
objects which we need to pull into the ObjectSpace as well. To
inject a block, we thus copy the block itself and its literals to the Ob-
jectSpace, and also translate any global reference the block contains
to refer to the patient environment —so here, Transcript will refer
to the one inside the ObjectSpace.
Of course, when #(1 2 3) receives #do:, the breakpoint we set
earlier raises an exception, which we store in the variable exc. A
specialized debugger then takes control of the ObjectSpace execu-
tion like so:
(space at: #bob) debug: exc; restart; step; step; ...
Finally we can reinstate a working version of the method:
(space at: #bob)
compileMethod: 'do: aBlock
1 to: self size do: aBlock' for: #Array
Our prototype implementation was realized in GNU Smalltalk.
While we expect a complete implementation to require VM modi-
fications for mirrors, controlling primitives, and performance, the
approach is generic to Smalltalk and does not depend on features of
a particular dialect.
5.1 Creating an ObjectSpace
To create an ObjectSpace, we clone classes and namespaces (i.e.,
the Smalltalk system dictionary) to initialize a new environment.The
cloning operation of a class also creates a new instance of the meta-
class and makes a deep copy of the class structure: instance variables,
method dictionary, compiled methods, method literals, and shared
pool. We reset values in the shared pool to nil, since we want all
classes to be in a clean state. This process is similar to the one
of saving a standard image, so eventually it should support ad-hoc
behavior on class shutdown and wake-up.
Since just copying a class will introduce pointers from the patient
copy to its origin surgeon environment, we have to rebind the vari-
ables to point to their counterparts inside the ObjectSpace. We also
rebind the class pointers of copied objects —like method literals—
to point to their counterpart class inside the ObjectSpace. Copy-
ing global variables is not required unless they are referenced in a
copied method; such references are rebound to their ObjectSpace
counterparts. Once this is done the process of bootstrapping an
ObjectSpace is finished: no references to surgeon objects remain in
the patient.
5.2 Injecting Messages Into an Objectspace
Once the bootstrap is achieved, we obtain an ObjectSpace, but at
this time it is only a set of inactive classes. To activate the patient
ObjectSpace and communicate with its objects, the surgeon can
inject a message into it. Note that we use the term inject instead of
send, because from the patient perspective, injected messages appear
from nowhere: they have no sender context, like Do-it requests.
anObjectSpace send: #start to: #StartupClass
The ObjectSpace looks up #StartupClass in its environment,
then simply sends it the given message. To inject messages with
at: put:
instVarAt: put:
Figure 3: Mirror class hierarchy.
arguments, the arguments themselves have to be copied to the Ob-
jectSpace first, additionally to the message selector. The surgeon
obtains a mirror [1] to the result of the message —or to any excep-
tion it throws.
5.3 The Case of Reflection
While ObjectSpaces should provide reflective access to their
contents, the classical reflective methods cannot be used by the
surgeon to reflect on patient objects, because they would defeat the
exact purpose of the ObjectSpace:
• First, even reflective methods must maintain the invariant that
the ObjectSpaces do not share references; this is not the case
with the existing reflective methods, and is not realistic as it
would require special-casing when the method is used across
an ObjectSpace border.
• Second, and most importantly, the surgeon code cannot as-
sume that patient system has the same meta-structure, and
neither can it rely on patient code for reflective access —in the
general case at least. Indeed, the patient’s reflective methods
could themselves be the subject under surgery.
Therefore, to support reflection, we implemented a mirror-based
architecture [1].
5.4 Mirrors
Using mirrors, we can refer to, inspect, and modify patient objects,
independently of their reflection implementation. In practice, the
ObjectSpace object itself behaves as a mirror to the isolated patient
environment, and instances of class ObjectMirror provide basic
reflective access to instances inside an ObjectSpace, using VM
The mirror classes provide low-level reflective methods corre-
sponding to those in the original Smalltalk classes; for instance,
ObjectMirror provides access to instance variables by index, to the
class pointer, and to the size of patient instances. Compared to
normal reflective access, mirrors do not rely on code in the patient
environment; they act as a proxy to the patient object they represent.
For instance, the method Object>>#at: is normally implemented by
a primitive call <primtive: VMpr_Object_basicAt>, but it could
be redefined inside an ObjectSpace. The mirror ensures that the
implementation of #at: available to the surgeon is independent of
the patient state, and enforces that references do not cross the Ob-
jectSpace boundary without going through their own mirror.
The most related family of work is virtualization approaches like
Xen [2]. Virtualization makes it possible to run several operating
systems at once on a single physical machine. As these approaches
target full operating systems, they rely on support from the hardware
platform, and in some cases from the guest OS; they also concentrate
on performance and production features, and consider the guest
system mostly as a black box. In contrast, ObjectSpaces provide
full control and reflective access to their contents.
Changeboxes [4] encapsulate and scope changes, allowing several
versions of a system to coexist in a single runtime environment, ef-
fectively adapting version control from static source code to running
systems. Changeboxes scope code changes, while ObjectSpaces
scope generic object references; also, Changeboxes do not directly
address the problem of applying changes to code that is critical to
the runtime system itself.
Scoping side-effects has been the focus of two recents works.
Worlds [14] provide a way to control and scope side-effects in
Javascript. Similar to ObjectSpaces, side-effects are limited to a
first-class environment. Tanter proposed a more flexible scheme:
contextual values [12] are scoped by a very general context function.
One problem meta-circular architectures is that meta-objects rely
on the same code they reflect upon; therefore there is a risk of
infinite meta-recursion when the meta-level instruments code that it
relies upon. In [5], Denker et al solve this problem by tracking the
degree of metaness of the execution context. Meta-objects can only
reflect on objects of a lower metaness, thus simulating the semantics
of an infinite tower of distinct meta-interpreters. The existing work
on Meta-context is only concerned with scoping behavioral changes.
More work is needed to extend this work to structure. We plan to
explore how ObjectSpaces can be used to provide a way to control
structural reflective change.
One possibility for implementing ObjectSpaces is to differentiate
messages depending on whether the sender and the receiver are
in the same space or not. Several works use a similarly extended
message lookup. Us [11] is a system based on Self that supports
subject-oriented programming [6]. Message lookup depends not
only on the receiver of a message, but also on a second object, called
the perspective. The perspective allows for layer activation. Con-
textL [3, 7] is a language to support Context-Oriented Programming
(COP). The language provides a notion of layers, which package
context-dependent behavioural variations. In practice, the variations
consist of method definitions, mixins and before and after specifi-
cations. Layers are dynamically enabled or disabled based on the
current execution context. ObjectSpaces provide form a context.
The relationship between context-oriented programming, subjectiv-
ity and ObjectSpaces is an interesting topic of future research.
Gemstone [10] provides the concept of class versions. Classes are
automatically versioned, but existing instances keep the class (shape
and behavior) of the original definition. Instances can be migrated
at any time. Gemstone provides (database) transaction semantics,
thus state can be rolled back should the migration fail. Gemstone’s
class versions extend the usual Smalltalk class evolution mechanism
for robustness, large datasets, and domain-specific migration poli-
cies. In contrast, ObjectSpaces target general reflective access and
bootstrap-like evolutions of code that is critical to the environment.
In Java, new class definitions can be loaded using a class loader
[9]. Class loaders define namespaces, a class type is defined by the
name of the class and its class loader. Thus the type system will
prohibit references between namespaces defined by two different
loaders. Class loaders can be used to load new versions of code and
allow for these versions to coexist at runtime, but they do not provide
a first-class model of change. Java also provides JPDA, a remote de-
bugging architecture that specifies a native interface on the debuggee
VM, and a matching API for the debugger front-end, running in a
separate VM. However, JDPA only supports introspection features
like inspection and monitoring, and very limited intercession [8].
We have presented ObjectSpaces, a reification of the Smalltalk
image as a first-class entity. The Smalltalk image is a powerful tool,
as it provides persistance without any overhead and the possibility
to transfer or restore running systems. However, since an image em-
beds both the domain code and the developer tools, it can become an
obstacle to safe system evolution. An ObjectSpace isolates the tools
from the effects of the changes they perform, while still providing
them full control and reflective access over the domain system. It
thus enables safe low-level changes in existing systems, or means
to bootstrap new systems in a practical way. While the idea is still
in its early stages, we think ObjectSpaces solve the main problems
with image-based development, while embracing the perspective of
evolving living systems.
However, ObjectSpaces are still an early idea that leaves many
possibilities open. Our current implementation has some limita-
tions. We cannot change the class of instances of Integer, Symbol,
BlockContext, MethodContext, or Process because those objects
have a special format that encodes the class pointer, or are other-
wise known by the VM as they take part in the reflective causal
connection with the language.
In our current implementation, we have no control over primi-
tive methods. This means that a program can call a primitive like
nextObject which returns all the objects in the image, and thus es-
cape the ObjectSpace boundary. As a solution, we plan to intercept
primitive calls from the patient, so that the surgeon can prevent or
replace them by other primitive calls or even Smalltalk methods.
It would be then possible to create ObjectSpaces where unwanted
primitives like file access or inspecting the whole object memory
(nextObject or become:) throw an exception to the surgeon.
Finally, there is the question of allowing inter-objectspace mes-
sages. If we allow them, we have to make sure that references do
not flow between communicating ObjectSpaces. This requires to
intercept inter-objectspace messages and to inject all arguments into
the space of the receiver, or to wrap them in mirrors. A simpler alter-
native is to simply forbid inter-space messages and rely on actor-like
remote messaging —possibly optimized to take advantage that both
ObjectSpaces run on top of the same VM.
Acknowledgments. The authors gratefully acknowledge David
Chisnall for his input and discussion on the ideas presented here.
Marcus Denker acknowledges the financial support of the Swiss
National Science Foundation for the project “Biologically inspired
Languages for Eternal Systems” (SNF Project No. PBBEP2-125605,
Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010).
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