/** * Simple Caption Plugin for jme * @version 1.0 * * http://protofunc.com/jme * http://github.com/aFarkas/jMediaelement * * ------------------- * Uses a modified Version of Silvia Pfeifers srt-parser * http://www.annodex.net/~silvia/itext/ * ------------------- * * @description * * HTML: * name * name * * API: * * $('video, audio').getTrackContent(index|object, callback) * * $('video, audio').enableTrack(index|object) * * $('video, audio').disableTrack(index|object) * * * HTML-Display-Area: * *
* and *
* * *
* and *
* * * HTML-UI: * only toggles first track on/off. for more functionality script your own UI. API is powerfull enough * toggle track */ (function($){ //enable tracks $(document).bind('jmeEmbed', function(e, data){ data = data.data; var mm = $(e.target), dir = ( mm.css('direction') === 'rtl' ) ? 'right' : 'left', activeTracks = $('a.track[data-enabled]', mm) ; data.trackDisplay = $('').insertAfter(e.target); data.tadDisplay = $('').insertAfter(e.target); data.trackDisplays = data.trackDisplay.add(data.tadDisplay); if( activeTracks[0] ){ mm.enableTrack(activeTracks[0], data); } //add fullwindow support if(data.trackDisplay.videoOverlay && mm.is('video')){ data.trackDisplay .videoOverlay({ fullscreenClass: 'track-in-fullscreen', video: mm, startCSS: { width: 'auto' }, position: { bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 } }) ; } }); /* * extend the api */ var capTypes = { 'text/srt': ['text', 'parseSrt'], 'application/ttaf+xml': ['xml', 'parseDfxp'] }; $.multimediaSupport.fn._extend({ disableTrack: function(object, _data){ object = (isFinite(object)) ? tracks.filter(':eq('+ object +')') : $(object); if( !_data ){ _data = $.data(this.element, 'mediaElemSupport'); } object.removeAttr('data-enabled'); $(this.element).addTimeRange(object[0].href, false); _data.trackDisplays.addClass('inactive-track-display').hide().empty(); this._trigger('trackChange', {track: object, enabled: false}); }, getTrackContent: function(object, fn, _trackData){ object = (isFinite(object)) ? $('a.track', this.element).filter(':eq('+ object +')') : $(object); _trackData = _trackData || $.data(object[0], 'jmeTrack') || $.data(object[0], 'jmeTrack', {load: false}); if( !_trackData.load ){ _trackData.load = 'loading'; var type = object.attr('type') || 'text/srt'; type = capTypes[type]; if(!type){ setTimeout( function(){ throw("we don't know. captions type: "+ type); }, 0); return; } $.ajax({ url: object[0].href, dataType: type[0], success: function(srt){ _trackData.load = 'loaded'; $[type[1]]( srt, function(caps){ _trackData.captions = caps; fn( caps ); }, (object[0].attributes['data-sanitize'] || {}).specified ); } }); } else { fn(trackData.captions); } }, enableTrack: function(object, _data){ var tracks = $('a.track', this.element), that = this, mm = $(this.element), trackData, found ; if( !_data ){ _data = mm.data('mediaElemSupport'); } object = (isFinite(object)) ? tracks.filter(':eq('+ object +')') : $(object); tracks .filter('[data-enabled]') .each(function(){ if(this !== object[0]){ that.disableTrack(this, _data); } }) ; if( !object[0] ){return;} trackData = $.data(object[0], 'jmeTrack') || $.data(object[0], 'jmeTrack', {load: false}); trackData.trackDisplay = ( object.is('[data-role=textaudiodesc]') ) ? _data.tadDisplay : _data.trackDisplay; trackData.trackDisplay.removeClass('inactive-track-display').show(); if( !trackData.load ){ this.getTrackContent(object, function(){ var captionChange = function (e){ e.target = mm[0]; e = $.extend({}, e, { target: mm[0], captions: trackData.captions, caption: trackData.captions[e.rangeIndex], type: (e.type === 'rangeenter') ? 'showCaption' : 'hideCaption' }); if( e.type === 'showCaption' ){ trackData.trackDisplay.html( '
'+ e.caption.content +'
' ); } else { trackData.trackDisplay[0].innerHTML = ''; } mm.triggerHandler(e.type, e); }; $.each(trackData.captions, function(i, caption){ mm.addTimeRange(object[0].href, { enter: caption.start, leave: caption.end, callback: captionChange, activate: true }); }); }, trackData ); } else { mm.addTimeRange(object[0].href, true); } object.attr('data-enabled', 'enabled'); this._trigger('trackChange', {track: object, enabled: true, trackData: trackData}); } }, true); /* * extend jme controls */ $.fn.jmeControl.addControl('toggle-track', function(control, mm, data, o){ var elems = $.fn.jmeControl.getBtn(control), tracks = $('a.track', this.element), changeState = function(){ var enabled = tracks.filter('[data-enabled]'); if( enabled[0] ){ elems.text.text(elems.names[1]); elems.title.attr('title', elems.titleText[1]); elems.icon .addClass('ui-icon-document') .removeClass('ui-icon-document-b') ; } else { elems.text.text(elems.names[0]); elems.title.attr('title', elems.titleText[0]); elems.icon .addClass('ui-icon-document-b') .removeClass('ui-icon-document') ; } } ; if(o.addThemeRoller){ control.addClass('ui-state-default ui-corner-all'); } if( !tracks[0] ){ control.addClass(o.classPrefix +'no-track'); } control .bind('ariaclick', function(){ var enabled = tracks.filter('[data-enabled]'); if(enabled[0]){ mm.disableTrack(enabled); } else if( tracks[0] ) { mm.enableTrack(tracks[0]); } return false; }) ; changeState(); mm.bind('trackChange', changeState); }); $.backgroundEach = function(arr, processFn, completeFn){ var i = 0, l = arr.length ; var process = function(){ var start = new Date().getTime(); for(; i < l; i++){ processFn(i, arr[i], arr); if(new Date().getTime() - start > 100){ setTimeout(process, 50); break; } } if( i >= l - 1 ){ completeFn(arr, i, l); } }; process(); }; $.parseDfxp = (function(){ var sanitizeReg = /<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>/g; var getTime = function(time){ time = (time || '').split(':'); if(time.length === 3){ time = (parseInt(time[0], 10) * 60 * 60) + (parseInt(time[1], 10) * 60) + (parseInt(time[2], 10)) ; return isNaN(time) ? false : time; } return false; }, doc = document, allowedNodes = { span: 1, div: 1, p: 1, em: 1, strong: 1, br: 1 }, getContent = function(elem){ var childs = elem.childNodes, div = doc.createElement('div'), childElem, childContent ; for(var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++){ if(childs[i].nodeType === 3){ div.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(childs[i].data) ); } else if(childs[i].nodeType === 1 && allowedNodes[childs[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()]){ childElem = doc.createElement(childs[i].nodeName); childContent = getContent(childs[i]); if(childContent){ childElem.innerHTML = childContent; } div.appendChild( childElem ); } } return div.innerHTML; } ; return function(xml, complete, sanitize){ var caps = $('p, div, span', xml).filter('[begin][end]'), captions = [] ; var e, s, c; $.backgroundEach(caps, function(i){ s = getTime(caps[i].getAttribute('begin')); e = getTime(caps[i].getAttribute('end')); if(s !== false && e !== false){ c = getContent(caps[i]) || ''; captions.push({content: c, start: s, end: e}); } }, function(){ complete(captions); }); }; })(); /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is HTML5 video itext demonstration code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Silvia Pfeiffer * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ // SRT specification from http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-73953.html // but without the formatting, which is just interpreted as text // Function to parse srt file var regs = { sanitize: /<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>/g, dosLines: /\r+/g, index: /^\d+$/, time: /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\s*--?>\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?/ }; $.parseSrt = function(srt, complete, sanitize) { srt = srt.replace(regs.dosLines, ''); // remove dos newlines srt = $.trim(srt); // trim white space start and end if(sanitize){ srt = srt.replace(regs.sanitize, ''); // remove all html tags for security reasons } // get captions var captions = []; var caplist = srt.split('\n\n'); $.backgroundEach(caplist, function(i){ var caption = ""; var content, start, end, s; caption = caplist[i]; s = caption.split(/\n/); if (s[0].match(regs.index) && s[1]) { // ignore caption number in s[0] // parse time string var m = s[1].match(regs.time); if (m) { start = (parseInt(m[1], 10) * 60 * 60) + (parseInt(m[2], 10) * 60) + (parseInt(m[3], 10)) + (parseInt(m[4], 10) / 1000); end = (parseInt(m[5], 10) * 60 * 60) + (parseInt(m[6], 10) * 60) + (parseInt(m[7], 10)) + (parseInt(m[8], 10) / 1000); content = s.slice(2).join("
"); captions.push({start: start, end: end, content: content}); } } }, function(){ complete(captions); }); }; })(jQuery);